Professor, Dept. of Environmental Resources Engineering, SUNY ESF


  • 2010. Mar: Getting ready to launch payload to space in the Remote Sensing course.

  • 2010. Feb: Paper on impervious surface detection appears in Remote Sensing of Environment.

  • 2010. Jan: Spring semester starts soon, teaching a remote sensing and a digital image processing course.

  • 2009. Dec: Accepting graduate student applications for Fall 2010.

  • 2009. Nov: Paper on spatiotemporal modeling of moose-vehicle collisions in this month’s IJGIS.

  • 2009. Oct: Paper on urban sprawl modeling accepted in IJGIS.

  • 2009. Sept: Fall semester has begun, teaching a graduate course on spatial statistics.

  • 2009. Aug: Full patent awarded by the USPTO on multi-scale neural networks.

  • 2009. July: Paper on collaborative classifiers published in this month’s PE&RS.

    2009. June: Proposal submitted to NASA’s Terrestrial Ecology program to study animal movements.

    2009. May: Postdoctoral researcher, Dr. Dimitrios Triantakonstantis, will be joining us in August.

    2009. Apr: Paper submitted on urban sprawl modeling using multiple neural networks.

    2009. Mar: One new M.Sc. and another new Ph.D. student will be joining our lab in August.

    2009. Feb: Paper submitted on impervious surface classification using remotely sensed imagery.

    2009. Jan: New grant from NASA to study spatiotemporal relationships between bird migration and climate change.

    2009. Jan: Teaching this semester includes an undergraduate course in Remote Sensing and a graduate course in Digital Image Analysis.

    2008. Nov: Paper on an expert-based system for RS classification accepted in PE&RS.

    2008. Oct: Dr. Mountrakis edits PE&RS Special Issue on Artificial Intelligence in Remote Sensing

    2008. Oct: Highlight article published in PE&RS.

    2008. Sep: Latest research studied space-time relationships in animal-vehicle collisions (IJGISc Journal).

    2008. Aug: Dr. Mountrakis is the recipient of NASA’s New Investigator Award.