Intelligent Geocomputing Lab

Dr. Mountrakis is the Founder of the Intelligent Geocomputing Laboratory in room 105 Baker. The lab currently has eleven high-end workstations with 10-core cpus, including a 64-core computational cluster. These workstations are devoted towards research activities of graduate students. In addition, our lab has access to NASA’s supercomputing resources (CPU and GPU clusters). Workstations are fully equipped with relevant GISc and Remote Sensing software (e.g. ArcGIS, Idrisi, Erdas Imagine, ENVI, Matlab, Python, Tensorflow). Students interested in joining our lab can find further information here.
Research Group (November 2024)
Atef Amriche
Ph.D.: Training dataset selection for deep neural networks
Babak Asadollah
Ph.D.: Heat Index estimation and analysis using satellite observations
Sheyla Rios Galeano
M.Sc: Fire occurrence prediction under different climatic scenarios
Ahmadreza Safaeinia
Ph.D.: Deep learning investigations on the Landsat archive
Zhixin Wang
Ph.D.: Fusion and accuracy assessment of deep neural networks in remote sensing